Thursday, February 8, 2007

Settling into a new rhythm

I am sitting here on the porch at Matt and Jess's little apartment looking out on this beautiful paradise. Manicured lawns surrounding modern buildings with a backdrop of lush hills. Its very different from the miles of shanty towns we passed last night on the way in from the airport and different still from what I can only imagine Rwanda will be like.

I think I was meant to be East African. I fell asleep last night right after we got in (around 1am here) and woke up at 7:30 without so much as a mosquito buzz to wake me. My circadian rhythm is right in time with the Kenyan beat.

I am going to go explore for a little while before tea. I hear there is a pool but that I have to watch out for these crazy African flies that make you swell up and get a full body itchy rash. Oooooh sounds like fun!